We’re in it for the long haul.

You’ve heard it before, “Be comfortable being uncomfortable.” We believe that to be be true and we figure it’s a hell of a lot better to do it together.

Who are we?

We’re a group of people who believe in equity and know that it is not enough to not be not racist, homophobic, transphobic, fat-phobic or misogynistic. We must consistently challenge the systems in power and leverage whatever privilege we have access to in order to do so. Currently, our main form of collective action is our Stamina Sessions. We unpack our own biases and hold one another accountable to taking tangible actions in our own homes, friend circles and workplaces.


Talk it out.

The Stamina Session space is a challenging, vulnerable and committed community of people who want to integrate equity work into their daily lives.

  • These spaces are a place to connect and rejuvenate ourselves as leaders in our circles.

  • We are also encouraged to take our learnings and create our own Stamina Session spaces amongst our friends & family to create a ripple effect.

Build it up.

We're not here to reinvent the wheel. Consolidating and amplifying resources is our go to and we only create when needed.

Grow it.

We are committed to making bigger actions accessible for people who feel paralyzed but are looking for next steps.

  • Because of the urgency of the situations, we'll be focusing on the upcoming elections & rent/eviction relief efforts.

Boundaries For Inclusion

To get a sense of a Stamina Session, you’ll find the Boundaries of Inclusion that we use at the beginning of each call to establish values and maintaining a sense of direction even with everyone’s unique social location. This helps us create a productive space for change.


Creating our Baseline.

We believe that all people are deserving of equity, This space is intersectional and supportive of women, sex workers, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, fat acceptance.


Use “I” Statements.

We don’t ask anyone to speak on behalf of entire groups and we don’t come to preach. Be authentic, speak how you speak and take full accountability for your experiences.

Go There.

This is a brave space, not a safe space. We're encouraged to mess up and call each other out to create change in ourselves. This helps us build that stamina to speak up and be called out — because spoiler alert, you will mess up.


Take Space. Make Space.

Practice intentional listening and speaking. Whether you’re the person who always comes off mute or the one who sits in the back, this is your place to practice whatever skill you need.


These calls are not recorded or shared. Your stories are yours, but the lessons and commitments are for everyone. We like to say, “what's said here stays here, what's learned here leaves here.”


Your Work is Never Finished.

Expect & accept non-closure. We're not going to solve everything in one conversation, but that doesn't need to stop you from taking meaningful action.